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At St. John Fisher, we understand that the transition from primary school to secondary school is a significant milestone. To reassure both parents and students, we have carefully planned a series of events and support systems to help you feel confident and excited about joining our Fisher Family. Here's a timeline of key moments in the transition journey.

Your Journey from Year 6 to Year 7

Hear from our Year 7 students as they share their experiences, tips, and advice to help you feel ready and excited for your first day!


Year 5: The Journey Begins

Our transition process starts early!

  • Mrs Price, Head of Year 7 and Transition, visits our Catholic feeder primary schools to meet Year 5 pupils.

  • Fun activities and events are arranged to give pupils a taste of life at St. John Fisher and a chance to meet staff and older students.

  • Peer support is offered by current students who share their experiences of transitioning to high school.

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June: Year 6 Transition Events


Primary School Visits
  • Mrs Price and the Year 7 Pastoral Coordinator visit Year 6 pupils at their primary schools to meet them and gather important information from their teachers.

  • Pupils have the opportunity to ask any questions they may have about life at St. John Fisher.


Transition Days

Pastoral Transition Day
Pupils spend a day meeting key staff, their form teacher, and their classmates. Fun activities help them get to know one another and learn about the St. John Fisher Way.


Academic Transition Day
Pupils follow a timetable, attend lessons, and get a feel for moving around the school. They will also have their first experience of break and lunchtime in the canteen.


New Intake Parents' & Carers' Evening
  • Presentations from the Headteacher, Senior Leadership Team, and Mrs. Price.

  • Opportunity to meet staff, including the SENDCo, form teachers, and representatives from uniform suppliers.

  • Parents and carers will receive a digital ‘New Intake Handbook’ with everything needed to prepare for September.

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July: Transition Packs

  • Mrs Price returns to primary schools to deliver transition packs to all Year 6 pupils.

  • The pack includes a welcome message, a bookmark with the St. John Fisher Prayer, and a Transition Activity Booklet with tasks to complete over the summer.

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August: Summer Preparation

  • Pupils can work through their Transition Activity Booklet during the holidays to get ready for September.

  • A Summer School event will be held for a small number of pupils who may need additional support, led by Mrs. Price and the Learning Support Department.

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September: First Day of Year 7

  • Year 7 students begin their first day before the rest of the school returns, joined only by Year 11.

  • A welcome assembly introduces them to the St. John Fisher Way, followed by form time where they will receive their planners and timetables.

  • Pupils will have their first lessons, officially beginning their journey as St. John Fisher students.

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Ongoing Support: Beyond the First Day
  • Throughout the first few weeks, form teachers will guide students through 'new starter' activities focused on friendships, organisation, mental health, and more.

  • Daily prayer, weekly assemblies, and Spiritual, Moral, Social, and Cultural (SMSC) lessons help students settle in and thrive within the St. John Fisher community.


Stay Updated & Get in Touch
  • Follow us on social media for updates about open days and other key events.

  • If you have any questions, feel free to contact Mrs Price at for an informal chat or to arrange a tour of the school.

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