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Governors Information

The governors would like to give a warm welcome to new and continuing pupils, parents and carers to another exciting academic year here at St John Fisher. Below we have just outlined a little summary of some of the work we do here at school with pupils, parents and staff.

The Governors of this School have a core function of;

  • Planning the strategic direction of the school

  • Overseeing financial performance of the school and ensuring money is well spent

  • Holding the Headteacher and school leadership to account


and  above all, to drive relentless ambition for the young people it serves, together with supporting its staff.The School has begun an ambitious programme of improvement for all, evidenced by being awarded a complete New Build. This along with finding innovative responses to providing new ways to teach and communicate, have presented challenges to all the School community, staff and pupils alike.


The Governors, supported and led by a dedicated and experienced Chair have in turn supported the Senior Leadership Team in planning for the future. There is currently a temporary increase in the number of Senior Leaders to support the Headteacher in the increased workload a New Build presents. More importantly, it enables our young people the best opportunity to take advantage of the many opportunities on offer, fostering an enthusiasm of life long learning and success in their future.


The Governors are well informed of how the School is performing academically and financially and are always mindful of the financial constraints. There is a robust monitoring of the budget with a commitment to provide the best value for money balanced with providing the most appropriate resources for the pupils.


St John Fisher is an Outstanding Catholic High School (S:48 Inspection 2023) which has been judged Good (Ofsted 2021) and is on its journey to becoming outstanding in all aspects to equip young people with the resilience and determination to be valued and valuable citizens of our community. 


We hope this has given a little insight into the work we do. We are here to serve the St John Fisher Community. Have a good year everybody.

The Governing Body is comprised of five types of Governors:

Foundation – appointed by the Archbishop to preserve the religious character and ethos of the school
LEA – appointed by the Local Authority
Parent – appointed from and voted in by parents
Staff – appointed from and voted in by the school staff

Associate members – appointed through school for their skill set and expertise
There are twelve Governors on our Governing Body and one Associate Member.

The Full Governing Body meets termly.


There are two committees that also meet termly: Standards and Effectiveness, Resources and Premises.
Other committees meet when needed include: Admissions; Attendance; Discipline & Dismissal; Performance Management and Pay.

The governors of St John Fisher Catholic High School believe it is important that the governing board reflects the diversity of our school community. Diverse boards promote inclusive school environments and provide diverse role models for our children and young people.
Data is currently collected on the diversity of the board, which is used to inform our recruitment, and training needs to ensure that there is always a diverse range of perspectives around the table to support robust decision making. However, due to our relatively small board we do not publish this data online as individual governors could be identified, and we have a legal obligation to protect their personal data.

School Self Evaluation and Development

Governors are responsible for monitoring the school’s performance.

This is done through the Governors’ Self Evaluation Form: A nominated governor is attached to each of the school’s main

Areas for Development;

  • Mission and Ethos

  • The Quality of the Education we provide

  • Behaviour and Attitudes

  • The quality of our Personal Development for each child, including RSE ( Relationships and Sex Education)The effectiveness of our Leadership and Management incorporating curriculum, pastoral, senior leadership and governance

Nominated governors meet regularly with senior staff to support and challenge them in moving the school forwards in achieving the best outcomes for our community. The link governors report progress to the full governing body termly.

Other aspects of school life are reported to governors through fortnightly meetings between the headteacher and Chair of Governors as well as through the headteacher’s termly report to the full governing body.

Governors Information

For more information on the Governors, please view the following document.

St John Fisher Catholic High School Committee Membership 2024-25

Governors Attendance 2023-24

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St John Fisher Catholic High School

Baytree Road, Wigan

WN6 7RN​​

Temporary Tel: 07498 388303 / 07961 979393


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