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Governing Body

The Governors warmly welcome new and continuing pupils, parents, and carers to another exciting academic year at St John Fisher. We aim to foster ambition and lifelong learning for the young people we serve, alongside supporting our dedicated staff. Below is an overview of our role within the school community.

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Our Role

The Governors have three core functions:

Planning the strategic direction of the school

Overseeing financial performance and ensuring money is well spent

Holding the Headteacher and school leadership to account

Above all, we strive to inspire relentless ambition for our young people while supporting the staff who work tirelessly to achieve this vision.

Our school is undergoing an ambitious programme of improvement, marked by the exciting development of our new school building. This progress, coupled with innovative teaching methods, continues to benefit our pupils and staff as we rise to the challenges together.

Image by Scott Graham

Our Structure

The Governing Body consists of:

  • Foundation Governors – appointed by the Archbishop to preserve the school’s religious character and ethos.

  • LEA Governors – appointed by the Local Authority.

  • Parent Governors – elected by parents.

  • Staff Governors – elected by staff.

  • The Headteacher

  • Associate Members – appointed for their skills and expertise.

There are 12 Governors and 2 Associate Members.


  • Full Governing Body: Meets termly.



  • Standards and Effectiveness

  • Resources and Premises

  • Other committees convene as needed, including Admissions, Attendance, Discipline & Dismissal, Performance Management, and Pay.

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School Self-Evaluation and Development

Governors monitor school performance through a robust Self-Evaluation Form. A nominated Governor is attached to each of the school's main areas for development:

Nominated Governors work closely with senior staff to provide both support and challenge, ensuring the best outcomes for our community. Progress is reported termly to the Full Governing Body.

​Ongoing Communication

Regular updates are shared through:

  • Fortnightly meetings between the Headteacher and Chair of Governors

  • Termly Headteacher reports to the Full Governing Body

Achievements and Ambitions

St John Fisher is proud to be an Outstanding Catholic High School (S48 Inspection 2023) and is rated Good by Ofsted (2021). We continue to strive for excellence in all areas, equipping our pupils with resilience and determination to become valued members of society.

Read our inspection report HERE

The governors of St John Fisher Catholic High School believe it is important that the governing board reflects the diversity of our school community. Diverse boards promote inclusive school environments and provide diverse role models for our children and young people.
Data is currently collected on the diversity of the board, which is used to inform our recruitment, and training needs to ensure that there is always a diverse range of perspectives around the table to support robust decision making. However, due to our relatively small board we do not publish this data online as individual governors could be identified, and we have a legal obligation to protect their personal data.

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Governors' Documents

For further details about our Governors, you can view the following documents:

St John Fisher Catholic High School Committee Membership 2024-25
Governors Attendance 2023-24
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